About Us

MT Digital Marketing provides solutions for businesses

My name is Michael Tran, founder of MT Digital Marketing

MT Digital Marketing was created with the mindset of giving the client the absolute best experience working with a web marketing company. Business’ deserve the utmost attention from their creative/marketing company. I’ve found personally the the number one complaint of web marketing companies is their lack of communication and attention to detail. That’s is precisely why I decided that we would form Dream Theory around the princpials of outstanding customer services and a very thought-out product.

The web has taken ahold of society. More people than ever are surfing online and clicking through mobile phone applications at an astounding rate; therefore, we find it paramount to create a brand and online presence for companies reflects the quality of their business while providing a compelling for the web user. Without giving a brand the extra attention it needs, business’ fail to be competitive and lack the ability to be seen online.

I sincerely hope that regardless of what web marketing company you use, that your experience is an awesome one, but if you’ve ran into a few road blocks we are here to help.

Best Regards,

Michael Tran | Founder & CEO of MT Digital Marketing